Thursday, 25 February 2021

Attitude: target audience

 Attitude has typically appeals to men from the ages 26 to 55 from the socio-economic groups A to C1 and we can see this through the load of  retro culture stories looking at the 1990s for example having links to stories about the anniversary of an old show 22 years ago, also we can see what socio-economic groups are targeted by the advertisement on the websites being for premium products for example Calvin Klein but also having a section for theatre on the website which is stereotypically synonymous with these socio-economic groups. 

Attitude focuses on specifically Bachelor/Married men even though they focus on a mature audience they lack stories about family indicating a focus towards single men and couples with no children as gay couples are less likely to have children appealing towards their target audience and they also do this through the Psychometric groups Reformer and aspirer. Reformers are appealed to through the multitude of stories having commentary on issues which the LGBTQ+ community but also talks about other social issues like homelessness etc. However attracting aspirers through the references to [premium products like food, fashion, hotels etc.


Tuesday, 23 February 2021

newspaper revision


Circulation: The number of copies which are distributed everyday 

Readership: The audience 


The newspaper with the highest circulation as of 2019 is The Sun 


The Mirror has a higher circulation than The Times


Tabloids - smaller, targeted towards the working class, sensationalist stories/gossip, simple language

Broadsheet - bigger, targeted towards middle class and higher, world news/ politics, sophisticated language 


UK Tabloids: The Sun, Daily Mirror, Metro


UK Broadsheet: The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, 


Left Wing: Labour Party. Green Party

Right Wing: Conservative Party, UKIP


Rupert Murdoch owns The Times newspaper 


Rupert Murdoch has the biggest shares


Political stance:

The Mirror: Labour Party 

The Times: Conservative Party


Socio demographic groups:

The Mirror:  C2,D,E

The Times: A,B,C1


News Values: Immediacy, Familiarity, Amplitude, frequency, Unambiguity, Predictability, Surprise, Continuity, Elite Nations and People, Negativity, Balance 




Tuesday, 9 February 2021


 Attitude is a Lifestyle magazine targeted towards the LGBTQ+ Community more specifically gay middle aged men focusing on news about the community having a variety of ethnicities as we can see from the front covers of their magazines having a wide variety of of people from royalty, celebrities. 

Attitudes demographic can ended up exceptionally clear. That it is one focusing on open-minded individuals, who appreciate, understand the changing idealisations surrounding  advanced society. 

Looking through the website we can see they focus on the middle class more specifically the socioeconomic classes A,B and C1 as we see sections about traveling and theatre which are usually middle class and up 

The front covers give typical representations of  masculinity having strong men typically to give the magazine sex appeal to attract their audience  

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Zoella audience

 Zoella's audience spans across a wide age demographic from young teens to adults and most of her audience are passive consuming the content and have a barrier between the audience and Zoella through the internet however being able to comment on Zoella's posts, videos etc. and having these comments allows her audiences to become more active and to be able to share their opinions on her content and helping her shape her future content based on her audiences feedback. This allows her audience to not only be able to consume the content which she creates but to be able to create content which helps the fan base grow and stay as large as it has. Relating to Shirky's theory on the 'End of Audience' which details how audiences are able to speak 'back to the media' through the internet allowing them to respond to  content allowing the consumers to become producers. 

Zoella creates fairly wide variety of representations somewhat more traditional is the representation of women in her content being female focused as it focuses on make up and health/ beauty products whereas men although less represented within her content we see through collaborations that men are in no way traditionally represented as they take part in make up and other conventionally feminine 


Tuesday, 2 February 2021


 Through Zoella's Blog we can see that she represents herself as a feminine focused mature blogger through her recent blogs containing themes of  'revenge porn' but also self care products having a wide demographic of subjects to appeal to her original audience but also new audiences. Through the use of colours such as pinks help reinforce the dominant femininity within Zoella's Brand which she has branched away from keeping Zoella as her brand which is shown from the multiple appearances of 'Team Zoella' connoting to multiple members instead of Zoella as an individual this is further reinforced by the links to her Zoella Instagram account and her personal account. 

However at the beginning of her you tube channel we can see that she initially presented herself as the typical female young adult and with less focus of her brand at this time creates a personal bond with her audience as they can easily relate to her thus helping her grow her audience and also attract an audience with a similar personality and by having this natural ordinary young woman this helped her grow such a large audience     

Attitude: target audience

 Attitude has typically appeals to men from the ages 26 to 55 from the socio-economic groups A to C1 and we can see this through the load of...